Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wanna Be the Biggest Dreamer....

God, I love Hulu.

Anyway, I took stock just now and found that not only do I have a Facebook, but I also have a Twitter, a StumbleUpon, and a Tumblr. The only reason I have a Tumblr is to follow an artist friend of mine, but I never use it, never look at it, so why do I need it? I'm fairly sure its only function is to re-blog things that other people have found or posted, along with quoting obscure modern philosophers.

But anyway, I remembered I also have a bliggity-blog. And as I type this, I've already typed "best blog sites" into the Google search bar, seeking any possible alternatives to Blogger. Preferably something not run by Google. What do we have here....Wordpress is number one on this list. Blogger is second, then TypePad, Movable Type, Livejournal, Drupal, Xanga, Textpattern, Tripod (I remember them from back when people made their own little websites), and Squarespace. Well.

That opened up some possibilities.

I just realized the pointlessness (I'm not going to call it irony) of leaving a blog post on a blog that I'm about to abandon.

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